November 14, 2008

Nice to be Back

Although it was drizzling at times when I drove back to the village, I took the 'high road' literally. There are some incredible homes on what used to be grazing land - guess some of it still is for their horses.
Driving past these palatial homes, I got up above the village into the vineyards. Take a look at what someone made their week-end work 'home' when there is a lot of work done with the grapes. Rather than go home, just spend the night.


Webradio said...

I'm enjoyed You'll be back...

Nice photos. Is the wine good in this place ???

See You later !

Laurie Allee said...

Welcome back! I love that little cottage.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

An interesting little "cottage. Wonderful pictures! Cathy

Malyss said...

I'm happy to see you back!
What a funny little house!the landscape seems so peaceful..

Janice Thomson said...

Great to see you back Isadora.
I love that tiny little place - cute as a bugs ear :)

ocm said...

So happy to have you back!

: )

PJ said...

I love this little house. I want several of them.

raccoonlover1963/Lisa Myers said...

Welcome back! I too, was away for a while during the move to our new house.
What an odd little "house". Barely looks big enough to hold a sleeping bag!
Take care and have a great week.

AVCr8teur said...

Welcome back! The little house has a beautiful view, but it only looks big enough to fit a bed. This is what you call a dedicated worker.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Hope you had a peaceful time whilst away

Clueless in Boston said...

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you are able to have a little turkey today.

Jeanette said...

Gday Isadora, Your photo's are lovely And the little house is cute it doesnt look big enough to hold a bed, but would save the worker going home every night in the grape picking season..Thank you for your visit Our pool season just starting The Grandchildren using the pool ist week in november,yesterday we had a very warm 34c=about90f today only in the low 20c. we gets temps in summer as high as 45c=115f. so cant live without a pool in summer..hope you call again soon..

Becky said...

I love that the little vineyard workhouse has a porch. And a gorgeous view. Just enough room to sleep and eat, I'd bet.