November 01, 2009

Theme Day: Doorways

This must be my favorite topic - doors/doorways! Enjoy November Theme Day and be sure to visit the interpretations of other photographers --> Click here to view thumbnails for all participants Thank you for stopping by.


Leif Hagen said...

A door leading to some spectacular art and sculpture!

Clueless in Boston said...

I thought of you when I saw the theme for this month, and I'm so glad you participated since I think of "Doorways" as your theme. Great photo too.

slim said...

This doorway is so uncommon . . . and such a tease for what's behind it. Excellent choice.

Julie said...

It looks as though he might need privacy for what is going on back there! Clemens? That was a pope wasn't it?

Julie said...

this is a great choice for theme day. such an historic piece of art so perfectly framed to invite you to enter the doorway and see more

Virginia said...

And your doorway is one of my favorites today. Great interpretation. I want to walk through and see!!!

marley said...

I knew you'd like this theme day!

ocm said...

Always a wonderful surprise to have a post from you! I love this doorway shot...and continue to find myself shooting doors with inspiration from you!

: )

Levinson Axelrod said...

Great view through that open door. You've got a great eye.

Vimax asli canada said...

nice blog information, thanks Vimax Canada