January 12, 2008

Labirinth Entrance

There is a set of tunnels under the streets of the Castle District. Among the things found there was a hospital for the political echelon of the Communist era. There is a segment open to the public called the Labirinth. There are guided tours through the tunnels and rooms or once a week you may go down there and the lights are turned out - you are handed a lantern and a map. This does not sound so difficult until you realize how limited your senses are without light and how active your imagination becomes with shadows all around. It is a fun date at the end of which there is a bar. Civilization at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you for your visits and have a wonderful week-end. I'll do my best to do better in visiting your blogs. I promise.


quintarantino said...

Hum... another secret from your beautiful town.
Nice photo.
Have a good weekend.

dot said...

Nice colorful photo. I'm not so sure I'd want to make the tunnel trip.

Janice Thomson said...

Gosh that would be interesting to do but not by myself :) I enjoy reading about things like this in other cultures.

Jim Klenke said...

Sounds like a fun adventure. The history of it makes it more exciting.

Anonymous said...

Have a good weekend!

zakscloset said...

that's very interesting. it makes a visit to the building fun and exciting!

Lara said...

but I bet this is an interesting experience!

Ming the Merciless said...

Interesting date, indeed! :-)

So did you go on a date in the tunnel? Tell us more. :-)

sam said...

oooh fascinating, sounds like fun!