December 02, 2007

Reality Check

As if the colors and design were not plain enough - take a look at the sign above these gentlemen. The name of the store is simply a description 'italkereskedes' (beverage sales). Across on the bottom of that sign, in oh so many plain run-together letters is the statement: smoking seriously damages your health and the health of those in your immediate environment.

The whole picture is so visually bleak and then the sign - a total downer.


zakscloset said...

the sign looks amazing though with all the alphabets! it looks almost like an art with random characters.

FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

I amazed to see no "so what" graffiti on it! :)

dot said...

Nice picture! In some ways people seem to be the same all over the world.

Annie said...

Smoking is a terrible addiction. One has to hope this man will one day give it up.

Jim Klenke said...

This could be on any street corner in Texas. I gave up the habit over 2 years ago. Never looked back.

Isadora said...

I see it inspired you about as much as it inspired me. Perhaps it was not a good choice for a Sunday. Then again, life is like that - things go hand-in-hand with the not so lovely.

Fenix - perhaps it is too high up for grafiti? or people are so used to looking at it that they no longer see it.

Don't know how the citarette boxes are these days in the US, but I remember a discreet little lable with the warning statement before I left. In Hungary now I see this statement in large letters covering half of each large side of the box.

A dear friend is a heavy smoker despite doctor's repeated warnings about his already high stress lifestyle. Each time the topic of putting the habit down comes up, I have to remember that the things that make him reach for a cigarette make me reach for food. How much better is it to be a food-aholic?

Jim - and anyone else who was able to quit - a hearty congratulations for the level of self discipline it took to make you a winner.

dive said...

Hee hee. Well spotted, Isadora!

Amrita said...

its all over the world. Try to educate people that smoking is bad for them

Oswegan said...

That's funny.

It's an interesting still life.


Wayne said...

Now, let's not forget the stirring sight of the giant Coke cans in the background too...
I think this is a great 'everyday living' photo capture, and I like your commentary too. Nicely done.

Ming the Merciless said...

It is a great photo actually. Two guys smoking in front of a smoking warning sign is brilliant.

Contradiction at its best.